Ariel Sarid, Prof.
Educational leadership - Educational philosophy and theory
- Dialogic education
- Curriculum development
- Teacher training
- Seminar: Management and social justice
- Transformative leadership and the promotion of sustainability citizenship
- Practicum: for Master’s program in school leadership
- Philosophy of education
- Sarid, A. (2020). The radical critique of culture and social justice educational leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
- Sarid, A. (2019). Social justice dilemmas: A multidimensional framework of social justice educational leadership. Leadership and Policy in Schools,
- Sarid, A. (2017). A theory of education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 48 (4), 479-494
- Sarid, A. (2017). Rethinking the modernist curriculum with Habermas’s concept of self-critical appropriation, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49 (4), 456-475
- Sarid, A. (2017). Self-critical appropriation: An assessment of Bauman’s view of education in liquid modernity. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49 (5), 462-472
- Sarid, A. (2016). Integrating leadership constructs into the Schwartz value-scale: methodological implications for research, Journal of Leadership Studies, 10 (1), 8-17
- Sarid, A. (2012). Systematic Thinking on Dialogical Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44 (9), 926-941
- Ethics in educational research – member of the institutional Ethics Committee
- Excellence in education
- Educational Dilemmas