Tal Holz, Dr.
Dr. Tal Holz specializes in the study of the literature representation of traumatic loss and psycho-ideological and political perceptions of mourning. She acquired her academic training in the Department of Hebrew Literature and the Department of Literary Theory and General Literature at Tel Aviv University. Her doctoral thesis discussed the theme of mourning in “First Generation” Holocaust literature (1945-1969). Her other fields of interest and teaching are violence in literature, insanity in literature, testimony and literature, the literary culture of testimony and protest in North Africa, and contemporary Arab-Jewish literature. Tal also teaches at Beit Berl College in the Criminology and Law Enforcement track, the Department of History, and the Arab Academic Institute of Education. She also lectures at the Kibbutz Seminar College in the Department of Literature and in the MA program in Teaching the Humanities from a Multidisciplinary Approach.
הולץ, ט’ (2017). עבד של הזמן: עבודת האֵבֶל בסיפורת השואה של דור תש”ח, מחקרי ירושלים בספרות עברית, כ”ט. - הולץ, ט’ (2013). סליחה, של מי הילד הזה לעזאזל?! על משחק התפקידים ההוריים והילדיים בייצוג מצוקת העובדים הזרים ברומן “אוקסנה”. מפגשי תרבות: מעגל החיים ביהדות, באסלאם ובנצרות, 2, 67-59.