Yaacov (Jacky) Zvulun, Dr.
Coordinator of Social Involvement at Beit Berl College - Lecturer
- Researcher
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Dr. Zvulun received a scholarship from the New Zealand Electoral Commission for his study on the subject of political participation in local authorities and turnout rates among New Zealand citizens. He studied electora behavior in New Zealand and factors influencing turnout. As a doctoral student, he held the position of lecturer at Otago University and taught various aspects of political participation. In 2016-2017 he was a research fellow in the Kettering Foundation, Ohio, which is active in issues relating to democracy, and contributed to the foundation through his study on civil education in Israel.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Zvulun, J. (2015). The New Zealand print media. Journal of Local Self-Government, 13(4), 897-914.
- Zvulun, J. (2014). Electoral systems changes: Some lessons from New Zealand local council elections. Journal of Local Self-Government, 12(1), 145-162.
- Zvulun, J. (2012). Awareness of political marketing in local elections. Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), 123-142.
- Zvulun, J. (2010). Postal voting and voter turnout in local elections: Lessons from New Zealand and Australia. Journal of Local Self-Government, 8(2), 115-132.
- Zvulun, J. (2004). The implementation of the STV in New Zealand local election 2004, refereed paper presented at the Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) Annual Conference, at the University of Adelaide, Australia, 29 September -1 October 2004. The paper was published on the conference website: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/apsa/papers
Peer-Reviewed Publications in Hebrew
- זבולון , י, הראל י (2017). עמדות מורים ופרחי הוראה בנוגע לחינוך לקראת השתתפות הפוליטית, מעגלי חינוך, גיליון 7 , מאי (עמ’ 119-102).
- זבולון, ג’, הראל. י’ (2017) .בחירות כהזדמנות לחינוך בני נוער לאחריות ציבורית. דפי יוזמה 9 (עמ’ 73-62).
Chapters in Books
- זבולון, ג’ (2014). מהי השתתפות פוליטית ומה חשוב שהמורים יידעו ללמד בבתי הספר על הבחירות. בתוך נ’, נווה, וי’ הראל (עורכים). שומרי הסף של האזרחות קולות אנשי החינוך, (עמ’ 49-60). רכס פרויקטים חינוכיים בע”מ; אבן יהודה
- Zvulun, J. (2009). New Zealand local elections, voter turnout and electoral participation. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
- Zvulun, J. (2005). Single transferable vote and voter turnout in New Zealand local election 2004. The 5th European Conference on E-Government, University of Antwerp, Belgium 16-17 June. http://www.academic-conferences.org/eceg/eceg2005/2-proceedings-eceg2005.htm.
- Routledge: Democracy and Security January 2016 Manuscript ID FDAS 2016-0002- The 2003 and 2015 constitutional referenda in Rwanda: A significant change in voter turnout.
- Sage Open: January 2015 Manuscript ID SO-14-1906.R1- “Can voter identification laws increase electoral participation in the United States? Probably not—a simple model of the voting market