Maya Sheinbein-Levanon, Dr.
Pedagogical Instructor - Lecturer
- Cohort leader
Active/engaging Teaching - Community of Inquiry
- Philosophy with Children
- Dialogical Practices
Teaching as Researcher – Research Seminar - Teaching and Learning Theories
- Informal and Active Teaching
- Can a Circle of Oppression be Broken? An experiment of an educator with theater of the oppressed. The Educational Forum. Online: Winter 2022. DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2021.2014005
- An Analog Teacher in a Digital World: Dialogic Pedagogy and Distance Learning, In: Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines. 34:1, March, 2024. DOI: 10.5840/inquiryct20243614
- Rethinking the theory of Communities of Practice in educational contexts: critical reflection, temporality, and identity (agency). With Ariel Sarid. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Spring 2021
- Together into the Heart of Consciousness: The Practical Philosopher as a Shaman. APPA journal, Volume 17.1, March 202
- Embracing dualities: principles of education for a VUCA world. With Ariel Sarid, Spring 2022. Educational Theory and Philosophy
Use of Visuals artifacts in teaching, learning and assessment - Philosophy of education