Orly Haim, Dr.
Dr. Orly Haim works as a pedagogical advisor and course instructor at Beit Berl College. She is currently the chair of the Council of the Faculty of Education. She served as the head of the English Department at Beit- Berl College from the year 2008 through 2016. Her specialties include: language and migration, literacy development in EFL/ESL contexts, task-based learning, innovation in language teaching in the digital era, and grammar learning and teaching. Her main research interests are: bi/trilingualism, language acquisition, multilingual education, language policy and teacher cognition in language teaching. Orly currently serves as the chair of the advisory committee to the national director of English Language Education in Israel.
Present: Lecturer; Pedagogical Instructor - Chair of the English department 2009-2017
- Bi/trilingualism
- Language acquisition
- Multilingual education
- Literacy development among multilingual learners
- Language and migration
- Language policy
- Language teaching and learning
- Teacher cognition
TESOL/TEFL Seminar - Language Teaching Methodology
- Practicum Experience
- Pedagogical Grammar
- English Grammar and the Structure of English
- Language and Migration
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Haim, O. Strauss, S., & Ravid, D. (2004). Relations between EFL formal knowledge of grammar and their in-action mental model of children’s minds and learning. Teaching and Teacher Education 20, 861-880.
- Haim, O. (2005). Exploring teachers’ subject matter knowledge: A pragmatic approach. Trends: The Yearbook of CONTACT 11, 1-17.
- Tannenbaum, M. & Haim, O. (2007). Journeys to a new Homeland: Language and identity in the poetry of Alexander Penn and Nathan Alterman. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 6 (3), 273–287.
Haim, O. (2014). Factors predicting academic success in second and third language among Russian-speaking immigrant students studying in Israeli schools. International Journal of Multilingualism.
- Haim, O. (2015). Investigating transfer of academic proficiency among trilingual immigrant students: A tri-directional holistic approach. The Modern Language Journal, 99 (4), 696-716.
- Haim, O. (2016). The effect of age of arrival on bilingual and trilingual academic proficiency. Israel Studies in Language and Society (1-2), 202-237.
- Haim, O. & , Amdur, L. (2016). Teacher perspectives of their alternative fast-track induction. Teaching Education, 27 (4), 343-370.
- Haim, O. (2018). Academic proficiency performance in second and third Language: The role of school context. Language, Culture and Curriculum DOI 10.1080/07908318.2018.1427759
- Haim, O. (2019). “It is hard at school, but I do my best to cope..”: The educational experience of multilingual immigrant youth in high school. Intercultural Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/14675986.2019.1598095
- Haim, O. , Orland-Barak, L., & Goldberg, T. (2020). The role of linguistic and cultural background in EFL novices’ induction period. International Journal of Multilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2020.1715412
- Haim, O. (2021) Exploring Perceived Multilingual Proficiency among Immigrant Youth with Different Arrival Ages in the Destination Country. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
Haim, O. (2014b). Crosslinguistic transfer of academic proficiency component skills across three languages among Russian speaking immigrant students. In Donitsa-Smidt, S., & Inbar-Louria, O. (eds.). Issues in language teaching. Tel-Aviv, MOFET Institute. [in Hebrew]
Research Reports
- Haim, O., Tannenbaum, M. & Shohamy, E. (2019). The role of the language learners’ repertoire in English language instruction. Unpublished research report for the Israeli Ministry of Education. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.
- Haim, O. (2020). Factors Explaining multilingual self-assessment among French speaking immigrants in Israeli schools. Unpublished research report. MOFET Institute. Tel-Aviv: Israel
- Haim, O., & Kedar, Y. (2020). Language, identity and motivation: A Jewish-Palestinian bilingual Language Café in Jerusalem. Unpublished research report: Center for Shared Society: Beit Berl College.
Other Publications
- Haim, O. (2010). The subject-matter of English language teachers. Bitaon MOFET, 44, 67-73.
- Haim, O. (2013). Immigrants, migrants and refugees: A new perspective. Review of the first Edition of the On-Line Migration Journal. The New Ulpan Bulletin, 100, 171-175. [in Hebrew]
Language Teaching Pedagogy
- Haim, O. (1997). Smadar language school: A Unique language and culture project. ETAI Forum, summer issue.
- Haim, O. (2001). Using the Newspaper in the EFL Classroom. ETAI Forum, Spring Issue.
- Haim, O. Idan, O. & Zahar, R. (2007). Teaching English via the internet to Arab students: Integration of the CBI and Edugaming methods. ETAI Forum.
- Ur, P., Haim, O., Kluska M., Plavin, S., Shlayer J., & Steiner, J., Timna, L. (2014). A practical guide for teaching vocabulary. Ministry of Education, The English Inspectorate.
- Ur, P., Haim, O. (2019). Dealing with mixed ability classes. Ministry of Education, The English Inspectorate.
- Member of the advisory committee to the Chief Inspector for English Language Education in Israel
- Innovative Multilingual Educational Policy in Israel, Tel-Aviv University (member of the research team)
- Coordinator of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society (2016-2019)