Osnat Dagan, Dr.
Lecturer at the Education Faculty - The Head of ICT Academic Unit
- Erasmus+ IN2IT coordinator and developer
- Technology thinking
- Integrating pedagogy with technology
- The net language
- Teaching in ICT era
- Technology thinking and robotics for kindergarten teacher students
- Technology thinking and robotics for primary school
- Essential skill – an international course
- Global Entrepreneurship – – an international course
- Seminar for kindergarten teacher students – the artificial world: children planning, designing, thinking and making
- Dagan, O., (2018). Using a problem-solving toolkit – in an international distance-learning course. PATT 36 2018. Athlone. Ireland.
Dagan, O., (2017). Attitudes of Kindergarten Student Teachers towards Technology: The Impact of a Technology Thinking Course. PATT 34 2017 Conference Program Technology & Engineering Education Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe. Millersville University. Philadelphia. PA. USA.
Manny-Ikan, E., Dagan, O., Berger Tikochinski, T., Zorman, R., (2011). Using the Interactive White Board in Teaching and Learning – an Evaluation of the SMART CLASSROOM Pilot Project, Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, Volume 7, 2011
Mioduser D., Dagan O., (2006). The effect of alternative approaches to design instruction (structural or functional) on students’ mental models of technological design processes, International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
Cognitive processes that occur while solving technology problems and while coding a robot - Integrating virtual worlds in on-line learning to enhance active and constructive learning