Ronit Webman Shafran, Dr.
Refereed Publications
- Webman-Shafran, R. & Fodor, D. J. (2016). Phrase length and prosody in on-line ambiguity resolution. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45(3), 447-474. PDF
- Stavans, A. & Webman Shafran, R. (2018). The pragmatics of requests and refusals in multilingual settings. International Journal of Multilingualism, 15 (2), 149-168.
- Webman Shafran, R. (2018). Implicit prosody and parsing in silent reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(3), 546-563.
- Webman Shafran, R. (2019). Level of directness and the use of please in requests in English by native speakers of Arabic and Hebrew. Journal of Pragmatics, 148, 1-11.
Other publications
- Otheguy, R., Slomanson, P. & Webman R. (2005). The use of the Yiddish language in Jewish schools in the United States: A report prepared for the Fishman Foundation by the Research Institute of Language in Urban Society (RISLUS). New York: City University of New York.
- Webman, R. (2007) Reading Across the Curriculum: Addressing ACT Proficiency. (L. Hirsch Ed.) Hostos Community College, CUNY.
- (Handbook on curriculum development and the reading and writing connection)
- Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet, Y. and Engelberg-Behr, B. (2007). Making reading easier: The influence of vowelization in a deep language orthography on online text comprehension, Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 969-974. PDF
- Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet, Y., and Engelberg-Behr, B. (2009). How should I read this word? The influence of vowelization in deep language orthography on online text comprehension. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, HCII 2009, part III, LNCS 5616, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 110-119.