Samira Nasser, Dr.
Science teaching - Professional development of teachers
Physiology of human body - Training course for science students
- Implementing Inquiry Practices in Science Teaching
- Tabak, I., Asher, I., Nasser, S., Kyza, E., Herodotou, C., Nicolaido, I. . Kollias, V. (2011). Increasing International Capacity for CSCL: CoReflect, an Example of Sharing and Adapting CSCL Environments across Europe. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hong Kong.
- Asher, I., Nasser, S., Ganaim, L., & Tabak, I. (2011). Two graphs don’t make a whole: the synthesis of disparate graphs in inquiry-based science learning. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial European Science Education Research Association Coference ESERA 2011, Lyon, France.
- Asher, I., Nasser, S., Tabak, I., (2010). Putting the pieces together: The challenge and value of synthesizing disparate graphs in inquiry-based science learning. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Chicago, IL
- Asher, I., Nasser S., Ganaim L., Tabak I., (2010). Specialized authoring tool as boundary object: The case of the Ben Gurion team. Poster presented as part of the symposium: The Educative and Scalable Functions of Authoring Tools to Support Inquiry-based Science Learning. At the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Chicago, IL.
- Nasser S., Tabak I (2016) Veteran Teacher Change in an In-school In-service Professional Development. Paper presented at the AERA annual meeting in Washington, DC.
- Nasser S., Tabak I (2017) Teacher learning through in-school professional Development: Addressing local needs by building on local knowledge and practices. At the international conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) in Dublin, Ireland.