Yael Balaban, Dr.
Lecturer in the department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature
- Hebrew Literature
- Literary theory
- Sensory representations in literature
- Musical representations in literature
- Introduction to Poetry
- A New Homeland: Immigration in Hebrew Literature
- Literature and Art: A multi-disciplinary Approach
- Humor in Literature
- Sustainability in Children’s Literature
Balaban, Yael. 2019. Many Voices in the Prose of Shulamith Hareven, Jerusalem: Magnes [Hebrew].
Peer-reviewed articles
1. Balaban Yael. 2020. “’A Violence of Smell’: The Smell of War in Hebrew Israeli Fiction”, Partial Answers (accepted).
2. Balaban, Yael. 2019. “The Cold Palace of Mirrors”, Mikan 19, pp. 151-186 [Hebrew].
3. Balaban Yael. 2018. “Smell and Spirit in David Shahar’s ‘Palace of Shuttered Vessels”, I’yunim Bitkumat Israel 29, pp. 31-52 [Hebrew].
4. Balaban, Yael and Wagner, Naphtali. 2014. “Musical Moments in Prose Fiction” Dapim LeMechkar BeSifrut, vol.19, pp. 300-350 [Hebrew].
5. Balaban, Yael. 2014. “’Tchaikovsky is Brahms’ Wife’ – Musical representations in Shulamith Hareven’s Prose”, I’yunim Bitkumat Israel, Thematic issue: Music in Israel, pp. 808-828. [Hebrew]
6. Balaban, Yael. 2012. “Double Mimesis: Sensory Representations in Literature”, in: S. Isomaa, S. Kivistö, P. Lyytikäinen, S. Nyqvist, M. Polvinen and R. Rossi (eds), Rethinking Mimesis: Concepts and Practices of Literary Representation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 161-179.