CHANGE – "CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research"

A 4 years research project (2018-2022), awarded by the prestigious Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ (SWAFS) grant, with partner-institutes from Austria, Germany, Portugal Slovakia, Slovenia and Germany—CHANGE is an implementation project aiming at gender equality in science and research. CHANGE aims to support research in the field of gender inequality, to facilitate and produce gender equality knowledge, and to implement the outcomes (as constructive gender equality plans) in various types of organizations and institutes. Through mutual learning and networking, CHANGE will enable partners to become resource centers skilled to provide knowledge and expertise to individuals or departments that will be available for experience exchange, support and mentorship in the country and region after the project is finished. Regular inclusion and exchange with national and European stakeholders (policy makers, researchers, ministries etc.) ensures a spill-over effect of CHANGE results to other research performing organizations (RPOs) and research funding organizations (RFOs) in their respective countries as well as with other ministries in the whole European area. Thus, CHANGE contributes to the advancement of gender equality in the European Research Area by stimulating institutional cultural change towards gender equal work environments in RPOs and fostering the importance of gender dimension inclusive research and innovation programs in RFOs.

The objectives of CHANGE are the following:

Objective 1: Final definition, design and following implementation of tailor-made gender equality action plans in 6 participating RPOs in Germany, Israel, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
Objective 2: Design of workshop concepts and implementation of eight knowledge co-production workshops to enable mutual learning within the consortium through the co-production of gender equality knowledge.
Objective 3: Implementation of at least six concrete measures in each organization to remove structural barriers for careers of women on science and research.
Objective 4: Evaluation and annual reporting of the gender balance in organizational decision-making bodies and processes in decision-making.
Objective 5: Stimulating the inner institutional and national dialogue on the necessity of gender inclusive research programs and funding.
Objective 6: National and international target-group oriented continuous dissemination and communication about the project progress, implementation process and outcomes of CHANGE.
Objective 7: Publication of 4 policy papers for stakeholders at the end of CHANGE: 1) on boosting women’s career progression in science, 2) on enhancing gender equal decision making processes and bodies, 3) on creating gender-inclusive research programs and funding and 4) on the process evaluation of gender equality projects in science and research.
The project’s team-leader and main researcher at Beit-Berl College is Dr. Hana Himi

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